
Monday, December 10, 2007

MAK... Get Well Soon...

i called home in the evening, n my niece Aqilah answered.... chat with this 9yr old girl sekejap n then asked her to call "nenek".... i sensed sumthing cz usually mak akan bergegas ke telefon untuk bercakap wt me.... n afta a while about nearly a minute waiting, i heard the voice that i miss so much....suara mak tak seceria selalu, mak letih2 bercakap, n i felt so sad that tears running down my cheek...

mak demam, mak muntah 4 kali n cirit birit about 6-7 times since last nite... perut mak sikit2 kembung n sakit sekejap2 tapi mak sapu minyak kapak banyak2.... (minyak urut petani favourite mak dah abis n lom ade orang belikan lagi yg baru)...this is typical food-poisoning symptoms... asked her what she'd been eating the day b4, n i am 100% sure gulai lemak nangka yg mak makan kat rumah orang kenduri tu la penyebab mak sakit...

my auntie, cikdah sent mak to clinic already this morning... so i told mak to drink plain water a lot today n try to eat sumthing walaupun xde appetite langsung.... jz to gain back sum energy cz mom totally lemah.... nasib baik sekarang cuti sekolah, my adik, Elynne n cucu2 mak ade kat rumah untuk tgk2kan n jaga mak sekarang ni... elynne masakkan mak bubur ayam, n harap2 mak lalu makan.... tonite my sis, kaka n the husband akan balik kampung, so i hope kalau esok the symptoms still ade, kaka akan hantar mak ke hospital.... i dont want mak sakit2, i love her so much....

tomorrow i'm going to call mak again afta class, n semoga mak bertambah baik....

2 love:

Mrs.Sheikh said...

moga mak cik cepat sembuh..

Redbloodsnow said...

I'm praying for ur mom akan sembuh.
Ida x moh rungsing sgt ea...
for sure ur siblings will take a gud care of her...


but if i'm in ur position rite now...sure i will react da same
