i got nothing to write at this moment.... no new photos, no new stories, no xtvts at all.... preparation week seriously can be boring... n i am not in the mood to study... earlier tonite, when i was thinking of going to sleep, i clear my bed, put my telekung near the pillow so the first thing that will pop in my head when i open my eyes in the morning will only be Subuh... unfortunately, the telekung nearly fell down n suddenly something sticking out from the lipatan.... that was not cool, that thing was not breathtaking.... all i could say that thing was a terrible blow...
how can that yellow-black scaly creature be on my bed, and sneak into my telekung...??? i hate that!!!! i knew it was either Lisa or Gma, Ceqsue will never did such things to me... but they all berkomplot to mock me this time... only that i cudn't take this kind of joke... i am not afraid of snakes, i just hate them n the thru is i hate all plastic animals.... they seem so live n makes me geliiiiii...
shieda x mampu wat pe2 dah, jerit n trus menangis kat pintu luar... ceqsue cpt2 simpan that ular, die sangat terkejut n kept saying sorry to me.... she told lisa bout that, n when i was lying on my bed few minutes later lisa came with that thing n teased me again... i hide my face under a pillow scare to look at her bcz i knew she was holding it... all of sudden, sumthing fell near my head that i thought it was the snake n i burst into tears again... pls, keep that thing away from me... ok, let's forget bout the snake.... since there's no new pictures, i checked back my collection n look here what i found....
i was a dancer before... i started dancing since kindergarten, i played piano and xylophone too.. since then i knew that i love dancing and i love playing instrument... afta UPSR, i learned Zapin wt all my heart... i was very active in scouting n i got the chance to show pple my Zapin during camporee n jambori... i dance a lot during my free time, n here in moscow i used to dance few times in several show...
12 love:
hehehe..tarian ngajat kot..
z neh x taw sgt arr ngan name2 tarian..keskeskes.
used to be a dancer too time kat high school. but then drop it coz bile semakin mmbeso...sifat pmalu z smakin menjadi2...edehhhh!!!
ida...really love ur black scarf arrr.
-> jaat arrr dorg tuh
hangin jek z baco post neh bhgn snake tuh.
so noty arrrr dorg tuh!
hehe..pandai ko nari ek...lawa jek baju tuh
ngajat ke?
sumazau ??cam sumazau...
ermm...baju tu familiar aaa..
sabah nyer ke?
____princess redbloodsnow____
cayalah Z.... tepat sekali, mmg NGAJAT...
hehe... seronok la ngajat2 ni, i wish i can be among sarawakian n belaja sume traditional dances... sbb sabah sarawak nye tarian beat2 sgt n unik lak tu...
Z pon menari dulu... ??? hehe... new discovery ni..
n dat black scarf, bukan ida nye pon... pinjam member nye... sbb ida tade black scarf la... huhu
bout the snake, malas nak pk, nnt terbayang2 pulak... huhu
saye suke sangat menari2 ni kak... n baju tu pinjam daripada Malaysian Tourism kat cni... istana budaya yg bekalkan baju2 tu sume kat tourism, sah2 la mmg cantik... hehe
tarian ngajat n mmg baju sabah...
( tapi kitorang selit2 skit sumazau dalam tu) hehe.... hebat la u ni husna.. btol2 knal ur surrounding eh...
hi ida.. :) 1st time kasik komen neh.. haha.. gambar yg sorang2 tu kan, nampak ada iras2 Z arr tang senyum tuh.. comey sgt..
aiseyman doc..
u know me ...
hye EJ... welkam to my wonder world...!!!
hehe, ade iras ek ngan Z... ade kott sbb ida pki tdg itam n muka cam bujur2 tirus tak ubah cam Z kan..... lagipon kitorang mmg loving couple... hehehe...
tq EJ...
hehe... salute sama luuu!!!
yesss!!!!! huahuahua
i noe it must be NGAJAT!!!
bende yg kat tgn tuh arrr yg dpt wat z teke its a Ngajat dance.
If nk teke dr segi pakaiannyer
agak payah ckit..lalalalala
psssttt..z kan Half Iban, for sure ler i noe my mom nyer nenek moyang dance...hahahaha
**muke berlagak**
huhu...dulu time high skool
z masok kelab budaya...
pnah menari zapin, tarian melanau
etc...wakil skolah gak taw...lalalalala.
but now...lame x pratik n dtambah lg ngn sifat pemalu z...lenggok tarian agak SUMBANG ok!!!
salji merah,
half iban?
i nak blaja sumpit aaa
hahahah... lawak la u ni husna... biler Z kate die ni half iban je mule la nak belaja sumpit la, jap lagi musti soh z aja mengajat...
Z, get ready la ye,... in case ade anybody yg interested nak menyumpit n mengajat nnt... ida suggest better Z bukak class later untuk diorang ni... n ur first student si husna ni la... kui3
huhu...atun, bestnyer dapat menari lagi...nad dah stop setahun lepas....hehe
teringat kenangan menari dgn bebdk opis nih...hehe...actually, costume u all cantik laa....
tq nad.... nape stop??? atun kalau ade peluang n dibag masa mmg nak sangat menari2 lagi ni tawww...
dance keep my body fit... hehe...
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