I just finished Ftizio-pulmonology (Tuberculosis) today, and the zachut-getting process went beautifully. We had theoritical class first, and just afta a long piririf/break we were given 1 CXR each to be analyzed carefully n our task is to give diagnose based on the CXR only.... Came out none of us give the wrong diagnose, n the lecturer was very pleased .... without thinking much, cz in this one week n a half cycle, we had shown full interest n really study the material, she gave us excellent mark 5 for our great performance....
the truth is my classmates and I jz feel very pleased with her too (cz dia ni baik sgt n suke pejam2 mata bile cakap that makes her look so soft n sweet), n i think we're just going to learn Tb with the same lecturer again for the spring term. After wishing us luck and heaps of praises for the discipline and the full attendance for the whole cycle and the eagerness we showed in her class (well, this is very common for us), she released us hour earlier than normal )for the freedom of cold, fresh snow n fresh air outside the hospital. Yipieee.....:))
i enjoyed the beautiful white snowy scenery on my way back..... jz cudn't wait to reach hostel n having fun wt the fresh flaky snow... i was so delighted that even ceqsue baru je sampai, she din hesitate to join us at all.... (this is the best thing bout ceqsue n i just love her company)... while Sya, quite surprisingly oso agreed to come along (she hates cold, n normally very lazy to go outing once she got into her room)... i was so happy wt them...
i enjoyed the moment tremendously..! we played some snow fight n since hannan was the only guy among us, so he had been attacked by the girls... we grabbed some snow, n kepal2 into ball... then baling kat hannan... hehe.. wish we had plenty more time to do this kinda snow fight in the future... anyway, definitely we will find sumtime to make snowman later... this is our last winter so might as well enjoy to the fullest....
4 love:
whoaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! sungguh jelesnyer hatiku ini. Idaaaaa..nak gak men snow arr. Leh z pakai bju merah2..x pun red+white pastuh kte g men snow. Baru leh ngam with my nickname => Redbloodsnow...ekekeke..
errr..mesti yg kene baling dek ketulan salji tuh si en. hannan kan...pdn muke! nyebok jek men salji ngan dak ppuan..wakakakaka :P
ida..so jeles arr nengok salji tuhhhhhh. :(
cantiknyer..ehem ehem..
kat area umah ke?
Z, nnt ida pakaikan kaler merah untuk Z ok... kalau nak main puas2 mmg kne datang cni la...
en.hannan tu sengaja memulakan peperangan, so terpaksa la die tabah ngan serangan bertubi2... hukhuk...
ehemm... not really my area la, but located just walking distance in front of our hostel...
n the scenery really superb beautiful...
hukhuk...a'ah. pakai kaler merah for z. leh z bertambah2 jeles..wakakakaka
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