It is my blog's 1st year birthday.....
It was exactly a year ago tonight that I tiptoed onto the internet and, with a such questionable feeling, put up my first blog post. The blog had been named LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM, when I really think people should love someone for who he/she is, then there'll be no such thing like a deliberate intent to deceive or being untruth. There was a little secret why i started a blog, but it will forever gonna be a secret....
I didn’t tell anyone about my blog for months, it was my biggest secret that time. Once i told Han bout it but never give him the link cuz i'm not ready yet to let him read my feeling. My intention of writing this blog was to get myself happier and busier because at that time i was deeply in pain and depressed. This is supposed to be my love diary, that i was staying up late at night typing up new posts so that my roommie won't notice it. I started getting myself into business on october, during fasting month, writing about food and showing off the picture—it was sheer delight though no one reading my blog yet. It still is sheer delight however to write bout my daily routine, my shopping hobby, and everything i step into every day..., though I sometimes struggle to find the time I want for it.
Writing blog is the most enjoyable thing I do, by a long shot, and the impact this blog has had on my life continues to astound me. It is definitely one of the best things in my life. Not only have I been given a new passion and creative outlet, this blog and the food and the fashion blogging world has introduced me to incredible people—funny, friendly, sweet, humble, fantastic mothers, incredible doctor, and lotsa types of person. Some of them have become my dear friends—people who have enriched my life and made the journey even more pleasurable, and for this I am so grateful. This blog has made me becoming a better person....
Soon enough i will enter a new world.... and i am gonna be busy all the time that i really don't know wether i still can write everyday on this blog or not... but i will try my best to spend some time with u guys here... thanks a lot for being with me all the time and to make my life a lot more meaningful ....
22 love:
wow..happy bday blog ye...kejap ek dah satu tahun..ttp tabah ko ye..kalo x tabah mau ttp blog mcm zie la dpt komen yg menyakitkan hati..semoga shieda selamat berblog ngan aman ye dik...amin
happy bday kat blog shieda! semoga panjang umur :p
happy bday to shida's blog~! i might not always leave any comments but i'll always read your blog...hope to read more of your writing...bile dah keje nnt pon..keep on writing ya? although jarang2...
happy bday dear's blog! Love u much.. I mean this blog writer :P
heepi besday 2 ur blog...hopefullly panjg umo lah blog nie..hehe
hepi besday to shieda's blog he he
shieda..nnt bila busy ..dah keje ker ..tetap update blog okay, teruskan menulis dan menulis...
take care..
ita.itu---<@ terima kasih kak... insyaAllah dgn adenye akak dan blogger fren lain yg ikhlas, shieda dan blog ni takkan lenyap dimakan waktu....
chika chika---<@ terima kasih chika!!!
ratna---<@ i will ratna... that's np, i know u'r one of my loyal reader... thnx dear..
hannan---<@ thanks a lot darling.... i love u too...
missue---<@ insyaAllah berkat doa semua... ameen
aleeya---<@ betul tu yaya... maybe shieda tak dapat menulis tiap ari, but at least once a week i will always update this blog.. i just love this peaceful blogging world and to hang up with u all...
shieda....happy birthday 2 ur blog...btol tu shieda, melalui blog ni jugak kita berkenalan sampai skang kan?...i harap u akan terus happy mula2 i wat blog pun i x berani bgtau kat org tau..hehehe...x tau nape...u adalah the 1st person yg i bgtau pas i create my kan shieda, blog i sambut birthday 4 thn sekali la..heheeh..sbb i create blog ni on 29 february 2008...hehehehehe...
to shieda...thanks 4 being my friend..fren 4 ever k!!....
good luc 4 ur xm nanti....i sentiasa doakan u..:-)
wahhhh dah setahun ekk yang... Happy birthday to ur blog.. :D
hani---<@ hehe, terharu nye i tau that i was the first to know ur blog existance.... love u so much hani.... frens forever!!!
ciannye ur blog tak dapat celebrate tiap2 tahun ekk, takpe je, kite assume la 28 feb or 1st march as ur blog's birthday...
pearlej---<@ haah la, diam tak diam dah setahun umo die ni... kalau budak dah boleh merangak n dah tumbuh gigi kapak kat depan ...
happy birthday to ur blog =P
keep on writing taw..ske bace klo ida letak2 resepi tu :)
takecare yang!
takde kek ke tuk blog ni?? :P
kejap jek dh sethn kan??
happy birthday to ur blog! :)
x celebrate ke? :)
I felt the same way about my blog in the beginning too, girl friend :) Happy 1-year old to your blog!!
sweethoney---<@ ok izza, i'll keep on writing new interesting recipe in the future, plus the picture as well... hehe... thnx for ur support dear!!!
mrs.sheikh---<@ alamak, bukan taknak buat tapi that nite bz buat biskut untuk cik abang ni... huhu.. takpelah, celebrate bday ngan makan cookie pon best jugak..
ziana---<@ waaa, kne celebrate ekk?? okla, ptg ni nak g bbq kat park, kire kind of celebration jugak la kot... hehe
gorgeous ol' eve---<@ that's my girl.. when are u gonna come here maa?? hehe... thnx chin joo!!
wahh dah setahun shieda berblog ye..akak baru lagi..
yup I totally agreee with you..we have the chance to know all sorts of ppl through blogging.
nnti there will be one time yg shieda akan rasa blog dpt lupakan sekejap ttg kerja..which I what I'm experiencing now :P
hope you will cont to blog even after being a HO
pssst:why cannot send email to the add you give me?
natrah---<@ akak, shieda pon rase blogging ni dapat relaxkan diri dan fikiran.... at least tension2 dgn bende lain bile bukak blog ni aje rase happy semacam.... hehe... definitely i'll find my time to write more and more....
that email yg shieda bg akak tu (shieshah_shieyda) untuk YM aje.... kalau na anta email kene anta kat
dulu kn masa memula fara bc blog ida ni,juz suka2,
cz suka tgk ida cantik sgt,bc cite ida,best!!!
tp x sangka lak kita lh rapat cmni kn,nk gak ida kwan ngn fara yg x cun ni..hehehehe
pu3nemo---<@ sbbnye ida tak ramai kawan rapat dan ida rase seronok jumpe kawan2 yg betol2 ikhlas dan jujur dalam blogging ni... thnx fara for being my fren..
yayang.. happy besday ur lovely blog. hikhikhik..
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