the event....
1/ photo session with the rest of 6th yr students.... took place at the Red Square...
2/ jamuan raya di embassy..... yesterday only for muslim, so today for all malaysian living in moscow....
the 2 most important pple i got here.... love u both... thanx 4 being wt me thru happy n sad time together...
kek gula hangus @ kek sarang semut
the recipe for my kek gula hangus.....
1 cup sugar
1 cup hot water, boiling one is preferable
1 cup condensed milk + 2-3 tblsp. of fresh milk
2-3 tblsp. of margerine
1 tsp. bicarbonate soda
1 cup all purpose flour
4 eggs (medium size)
1st, hanguskan gula atas kuali, make sure btol2 hangus cz u don want ur cake to be just perang2, i like it dark.... once mmg tak boleh nak hitam lagi dah, pour the boiling water into it.... hati2 time ni, sbb panas sangat wap yg naik.... them masukkan margerine, kacau cair on the heat n bring them to cool....
......beat the eggs until a bit fluffy.... i find that using the pemukul telur give better structure.... but u can use mixer as well... masukkan susu pekat n susu segar..... pukul sikit2.... then masukkan soda n tepung yg telah disatukan..... beat them well or else u'll get lump.... once the hula hangus cool down, pour into the cake mixture n kacau rata..... don't panic sbb hasilnya mmg adunan cake yg cair..... perapkan adunan dalam 3-4jam.... then bakar pada suhu 180-200 celcius... for about 45-60minutes...
taraa..... siap dah... shieda wat 2 biji untuk hari raya aritu... satu untuk open house, another one untuk classmates... tapi taksempat nak amik gamba waktu dah potong2, next time shieda buat lagi, shieda snap the pic bile dah slice ok...
selamat mencuba....
p/s.... kalau ikut resepi mak kat kampung, guna 8biji telur n tak guna susu pon.... but shieda takut la nak guna telur banyak2, takut gemuk.... huhu...
nasi himpit (handmade ok)
nasi himpit
2 cawan beras
6 cawan air
2-3 tblsp. cooking oil
make sure gunakan cawan yg sama untuk sukat.... masak cam tanak nasi biasa using electric rice cooker..... bile dah masak @ terangkat butang die, kaup2kan nasi tu dalam periuk n let it cool down first....
agak2 dah kurang panas, amik bekas untuk menghimpit.... dulang, tupperware or wutsoever... tuang minyak makan, n nasi yg lembik2 tu....
ade 2 cara nak himpit....
ikut cara my mom, balut tangan dgn kain sikit n then balut pula dgn plastik, ikatkan... then mulalah menghimpit nasi tu... tekan2, gaul2, buat seolah2 menguli doh.... pas siap menguli tu, ratakan la cantik2..... siap dah.... bila dah sejuk betul2 baru potong....
ikut cara my bakal mom-in-law pulak... tis one tak perlu bubuh minyak... tuangkan nasi lembik tadi dalam plastik, n ikat.... plastik yg agak tebal kalau boleh, if i'm not mistaken selalunya kaler hijau.... letak dalam tupperware atau acuan cake, then tekan2.... kaup2 die dalam plastik tu n then ratakan bahagian atas... siap dah....
2-2 cara nie, sangat menjimatkan masa n hasilnya sangat la cantik.berbanding nak guna ketupat nona..., took only 75min dari mula tanak nasi sampai siap menghimpit untuk 1kg beras.... sebab ketupat nona tu kene masak lama 2-4jam n kene make sure banyak air sentiasa supaya hasilnya cantik..
7th Syawal (2007) - genap sudah 5tahun pemergian abah ke rahmatullah....
yet, i still remember his face, his laugh, his care... i can still picture how did he look that day... abah tenang n manis sahaja....
first snow fall in moscow today!!!
the best housemate tat i cud never forget... gma, sue n nana...
aidilfitri in autumn..
selamat hari raya aidilFitri.... !!! semoga syawal yg menjelma membawa sejuta makna dan kebahagiaan buat kita semua....
menu for raya... of course kuih raye... nnt shieda tunjukkan picture2 ok, then tonite nak masak lauk pauk pulak.... nasi himpit dah siap, alhamdulillah... la nie, baru je siap bakar kek gula hangus @ kek sarang semut... jadik bersarang2 macam sarang anai2.... kne relax dulu sekejap, pahni leh sambung masak juadah untuk pagi raya esok...
darlin n me with cikyun n cikliza... 1 Syawal 2006
cek mek molek
ngan cucur badak....
Sunday, Oct 7th, gonna be lutfi 11th birthday... cik liza asked me to bake some cake... i end up baking two simple cakes... plain butter cake n chocolate cake.....
the birthday cake....
fahmi, lutfi, affan n ahnaf
saya sayang adik....
my classmate... all black... n white...
i love my dear... i love my man.... he's the one and only... he's so heartly-man, he's romantic, he treats me well, also he can read my face n my mind.... i can never hide something from him but that's just great... cz if anything ever happen we can settle it straight away.... i like to merajuk cos he is so good at memujuk, he likes sing me songs.... baby, i love u so much dear... i love u just the way u are... cos u really great... mmmuahhhhhzzz..
i miss my mom... i really do miss her a lot.... wondering what is she doing rite now??? she must probably miss me too....
mom, sometimes i just feel like u'r my fren.... cz i can talk anything with you, i don't mind telling u secrets, u don't get angry easily... u never raise up ur voice once i'm big enough, cuz u know i'm so fragile, i'll burst into tears easily, not that i'm too cengeng, it just that it's me.....
n i miss abah too.... he had sacrifice his days doing everything he can just to make sure mom and us can enjoy life just like others.... we'r not rich people in term of money and assets.... but we'r rich in loves n joys... abah married mak sbb abah kesian tgk keadaan mak mase tu... they get married when abah was 21 and mak 13....the truth is mom was a bright girl, she got an offer to study in english school but nenek didn't allow her.... probably if mom can continue study that time, she'll have a good job today.... but then she'll marry another guy and i'll not be here today... so we thank god for everything....
i still remember abah cerita mase abah join army dulu, mak tak ikut same cz jage anak2 kat rumah... she had "along" at the age 14..... by that time, mak amik upah jahit baju n sulam... abah xkasi mak kerja sbb kesian kat mak, abah suruh mak tanam pokok2cili keliling rumah.... abah bersara awal dari askar mase umo 42tahun, sbb my aldest bro, Angah died in accident just a week b4 hari raya, by that time i was just 2yrs old...
and we started our new life then.... luckily abah was the only guy in her family so he got all the tanah from his late father...... abah menoreh getah, sometimes mak ikut sama.... n they brought us together.... i still remember mom will get up early seawal 4.30pagi to prepare food for us... cz we'r still young and knows nothing, all we want is food and play..... we'll go to kebun getah at about 6.30 in the morning, mom will bring ubat nyamuk, otherwise i'll be scratching all over cz i'm so allergic to mosquitoes n their bites... dad taught us how to tap rubber, and every single thing... dari menoreh, mengumpul, memproses, menggelek jadi getah skrap sampailah hantar ke kedai cina.... we hated it if it was raining cz getah tak jadi and that means we have nothing for that day....
mase sekolah rendah, abah used to send me with his motor buruk and the rubber tapper uniform...... sometimes shieda malu ngan kawan2 but it's my life so nothing to be shame... dad gave us 20 cents a day, for sekolah pagi and sekolah agama in the evening.... hardly can buy jajan or icecream.... mom will prepare food for us.... n that time mom jual nasi lemak and kiuh muih, she cook plenty and put them in warong2 org kampung..... mak tak pernah lupa sediakan air panas untuk kitorang mandi pagi, i can say that i never mandi with air sejuk pagi2 cz mom taknak anak2 sakit and ponteng sekola sampailah semua orang lepas darjah enam..... she is the greatest mom ever....
shieda selalu cemburu dgn kawan2 sekolah yg dapat hadiah dari parents bile diorang perform good cz diorang akan show off and bercerita..... though i got number one straight from darjah 2 till darjah 6, shieda x merasai semua tu.... abah selalu kata, bukan abah xberduit, abh xnak anak2 abah jadi hmaba duit dan harta, abah xmau anak2 abah buat sesuatu hanya kerana inginkan ganjaran.... i learned a lot from that....i thanked my teachers for giving exercise books (buku tulis garis satu n kotak2) as presents for those excellent student.... normally i'll get about 30-40 books, for 6-7 anugerah... enough to cover the whole next school session every year....i made my parents and siblings proud of me.... at least dad can save some money.... akhirnya abah belikan basikal baru Power kaler merah sebagai hadiah nombor satu darjah lima.... harga RM150... i was so touched...
when i got tawaran to SAKTI, everyone pleased but worried kalau2 pakai banyak duit.... but along and kaka yg mase tu dah kerja cikgu said they'll help.... so i got into boarding school.... and kalau parents orang lain datang melawat dgn kete besar2, mom and dad just ride on old vespa from Muar to Kota Tinggi.... they took 4-5hours to get to my school.... overall they'll spend 10-12 hours on the road.... i'll be surprised each time they came because i never ask them to do so.... when it suddenly rain, it'll take them longer cz have to stop sumwhere... i didn't get much for one month spend.. most of the time RM30... this is a lot to us....
keadaan a bit berubah afta abah mula usahakan kelapa sawit.... harga masih mahal mula2 and abah earned much from sawit... merasalah shieda duit RM 50-RM70 dalam tangan.... kalau tak habis duit biasiswa BKP RM 200 setahun tu... cikgu selalu tanye awak buat ape asyik keluarkan duit, i'd no answer for them.... kadang2 seluar hilang, sabun kene curi and banyak la... so kene beli baru... nak bitau abah takut kene marah....
pernah sekali tu shieda balik kg and terlepas bus nak balik ke kota tinggi... so abah temankan shieda naik taxi g kluang dulu, then sambung ke kota tinggi.... sampai sekolah dalam kol 4ptg, abah anta sampai gate hostel then terus keluar tggu taxi lain nak balik muar.... i didn't know that there's no taxi, abah tggu sampai kol 7lebih barulah dapat..... ni pon sbb my classmate ternampak ade sorang pakcik sorang2 tggu kat busstop, n from the description she made i knew it was my abah.... n when i asked mom, yes it is true....
i hug abah, kiss him when i got 8A's in PMR.... i came up the first during my form one, and afta that i make sure i'm the top three in my batch.... i managed to do so cz tersemat satu dalam minda nak ubah nasib keluarga.... once i told dad i wanna go camping at DUMAI, Sumatera fo the scouts jamboree....dat is when i'm in early form 4.... at first dad said i might as well give up and give chance to others yg mampu, and i was so sad.... then mak pujuk abah and akhirnya sebagai hadiah PMR shieda dapat g.... dad gave me RM100 sebagai duit belanja seminggu kat sane....
when i was sitting for SPM, i got news that abah being admitted to hospital and is having dialysis twice a week.... he's been sick long time already just me the only one in the family that didn't know about it cz abah tak nak my concentration terganggu... i did well in SPM, but xsempat abah nak kongsi gembira with me, on the 7th Syawal hari raya tahun 2002, abah kembali ke rahmatullah... abah tak sempat tau my results... abah xsempat tgk anak abah ni berjaya.... i got 8 A1, only my english spoiled sbb i did teringat kat abah mase exam that i lost idea for the essay writing... even my english teacher felt sorry for me cz they know i deserves A1 for that if looking thru my performances before... still i'm happy with the results... but i did burst into tears cz what's the point of these result... i wanna share it with abah... i went to kubur abah the day afta to tell him the news....
so here i am now, studying medic to become a doctor to fulfil wasiat arwah abah.... he wanted me to be a doctor so i can cure him... shieda lupekan segala cita2 lain.... i throw away my maths,add maths and physics that i love the most, i'm concentrating on this way.... i didn't regret cz i'm doing it for my abah....
alfatihah.... amanlah dikau abah di samping orang2 beriman..... ameen...
dear darling, i'm sorry i did cry again yesterday.... it's not because of u, it just that i can't stop thinking bout mak and abah..... in two weeks time genaplah 5tahun pemergian abah..... n this year gonna be last for me to celebrate raya here... i miss raya with my family.... i am totally homesick now....
You're a falling star,
You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.
And you play it coy, but it's kinda cute.
When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.
And in this crazy life,
and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you,
You make me sing.You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.
And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.
abang ala (noorshahalal).... he's my only bro, he can read me..... he just pretend he didn't know wut happened...
let me tell u pple, there's nothing special about me... to compare me with her, i admit she's far too good, pretty, very easy gg.... i'm the bumi and she's the langit.... i'm the pipit, she's the enggang.... told u all the truth, it's me who fall in love with him at my very first sight.... and it's not his attempt to be so serious with me at first.... i'm so pathetic..... my abg syuk once told him the secret that i like him... .... but then he aproached me and we just love each other and i do hope the bless from everyone.... pls... don't put our relationship at a stake again.... i had enough, i lost count people.... i just want to cherish my life with the guy i love, and i do hope he's being honest 100% tis time.... i'm giving him the last chance...
i'm building up again my faith and trust, it's not easy ok since several time it had been broke and vanished.... i had enough tears, he cried twice for his mistakes n begging me to forgive him.... so, pls.... i hate that i love him so much......
i promised him last nite to make several types of kuih raya today since i got one day off, but i'm in no mood rite now... i'm sorry dear....
we had a big fight just the day before we flew back to moscow.... we both cried like hell.... i gave my last word n let
him do the decision....
i didn't force him.... he made his own decision...