i am officially done with my first degree.... after 6 yrs been waiting, thru the hustle and bustle of hectic medical student life in Russia (so called negara Sakai by Mrs.Sheikh), yesterday we finally reached the turning point....
i may not say my study life is over, i'm pretty much sure this is only the beginning... yet, i just have few days ahead here in moscow, so i'd rather spend my days to the fullest... there's sooo much things that i'm definitely gonna miss once i'm back in malaysia, I've grown up in Moscow, i build my inner strong here, i met all sorts of different people, and here i learned a lot bout what a true friend really is, what courage is all about, and how to deal with kinda thousands of situations and feeling....
but still to be with my dearest family is all what i've always wanted all these days.... and now i'm coming closer to it... yet there's a sad feeling deep down inside me, how i'm gonna live my days without my other half..... and each time i'm thinkng of it, my pearls run down my cheek...( let's not to talk bout it la, or later i'm gonna cry loud.... huhu)... so sad... the two soul that emerged as one
Sweet charming Erina and me... congrats dear!!!
occay guys, wait for the next bundle of photos k.... love ya all!!!
16 love:
cantiknyyyerr Dr shida ngn jubah gradtn tu..comel bangat seh... =)
yeayyyy shieda dah gradddddd, tahniah shieda, ...oppsss Dr. Shieda he he, nnt balik sini keje ngan hosp putrajaya leh tak?leh yaya bwk damia ke sana jumpa Shieda :))
p/s..sgt seksa nak visit kwn2 skang taww, tenet ke blogger slow tak tau ler, nak comment pong kena 4-5 kali try baru lepas aduhhhh
miss you so much shieda
u r sooooooooooooooo sweet..purple colour lagik...my favourite colour taw!....tahniah lagik skali..:)
so u pilik purple ek?
tuk i ke tuhhh :)
sungguh terharu tgk pic ni..
sungguh cantikkk dan ceriaa...:D
opss!! dr shieda..
i nampak baby stitch sekali grad..
one happy family :)
p/s: kalo le i sempat jumpe u kan on 21 july tuu..
Abg Bear ucapkan tahniah atas kejayaan ni... Abg Bear sangat2 terharu... ada sorang anak sedara kat sana, di harap mereka juga akan berjaya macam korang berdua ... kenang daku dalam doamu... cepat2 balik yer dan berbakti pada nusa bangsa
tahniah shieda!!!
jgn lupa balik tanah tumpah darah utk menabur bakti kpd agama, bangsa & negara (ececece ayat... tak hengat!!!)
p/s: tetiba terkenang plak jaman chik grad 8 thn dolu :D
1/pu3nemo---<@ cuma terkurang senyum kan yang... tetiba lupa lak cara2 senyu aritu... hehe...
2/aleeya---<@ yaya... thnx dear... it's ok, tenet pon ade turun naik die... hehe... nak shieda wat kat Putrajaya ehh... huhu, melalak sakan la mak shieda kat umah tu nnt...
3/hani---<@ hehehe... ni jelah baju yg agak cantik yg shieda rase lom basi agi... sbbnye mmg tak sempat nak buat baju khas untuk grad pon... hihi... tau dah mesti u suke i pakai kaler nie.. hehe
4/mrs.sheikh---<@ yup dear... purple for u and oso for hani... hehe... purple mmg very the sweet kan... hikhik... tahniah husna u berjaya spot my baby stitch tu... hihi...tunggu adiah ekk.. pe kate tunggu je i sampai pagi 21 tu nnt... hehe.. mesti syok...
5/beruang madu---<@ terima kasih banyak Abg Bear... insyaAllah berkat doa resu dorongan semua mereka dua tu akan berjaya nnt... thnx again Abg Bear!!!
6/chique comel---<@ hye chique... pastinya akan ku pulang jua ke tanah air nnt... hehe... taah tumpah darah gtu ye tak... hehe...
7/ratna---<@ thanx babe!!!
sejukkk aaa mate z nengok kaler jubah uols tuh
red black gittewww
my fav color theme!!! aharkkkss!!!
smpai kat mesia nnti...
ida dont for to get DIGI line taw
len Frens n family ngan ida nnti..pastuh kte msg spai jari numb! hahaha
mwah²...so proud of u
taniah shida..opsss...DR SHIDA..
bangga tau dapat blogging ngan dr ni
congrats :)
happynya tgk u happy taw
8/ziana---<@ thanx dear.... :)
9/princess redbloodsnow---<@ haah la lalink... kebetulan gtu my robe nye kaler happen to be ur fav one... ngehehehe.... bout the line/prepaid thing, ida tatau lagi nak gne pe, kne discuss tol2 ngan han nie dulu... hehe... apepon kite masih leh ber sms sampai kejang jari jgn risau... hehe
10/mummysyafie---<@ thankz a lot kak... hehe, berkat doa akak juga ni taww saya berjaya tamatkan pengajian nie... hhehe... n m proud to hv u s my blogger fren too kak...
11/sweethoney---<@ thanx izza... hehe... mmmuahhh
terlambat wish pulak..huhu..
tapi tetap nak wish..
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