yippie.... i finally went thru the interview and passed it... i would like to thanks all my dear readers for wishing me luck and for all your prayers... a special thank you to my dear fren, Husna @ Mrs.sheikh for helping me with my resume... without your help, i won't be able to produce such a great one and thanks a million again for that... it was a last minute resume, my original one was very plain and simple... it happened that i online that evening and husna was overthere, and i kindly asked her wether she still got the copy from her previous... she sent the copy thru email and i took the draft of hers... thanks again husna... so, this is me wearing the new blazzer, shirt and pants that i bought on sale last holiday... i felt good in it, it was a feeling like being an executive or lawyer perhaps... if only i can wear this kind of outfit everyday....
the pretty arabic looking gurl sat next to me is NurFirdaus @ Fir, we were in the same board for interview that evening...we discussed a lot of things and tried to calm one another, bcz the nervous inside really bad... thanks a lot fir...
Masa Untuk Label Benda Alah ♥
2 years ago
15 love:
perkara kecik jela tu..
anyway, i lak over excited
time baca entri ni..
sebab i tau betapa beruntungnyer
hospital yg dpt bakal doktor
macam shieda, mcm hannan..macam kwn2 shieda tu...:)
well done shieda!...interview dh abis, pasni just concentrate ngn xm la yer?...gud luck k..
sngt seronok bila dpt tau u n hans lulus interview tuh..pasni bila u dh grad u akan rs kepuasan yg sngt2..ye la, penat lelah study selama ni dh terbalaskan?..hehe..nanti u konvo bulan july ek?..x saba nk tgk u letak pic kat sini sambil pakai jubah konvokesyen...hehehe..
Tahniah yang!! :D
cantik blazer baru tuhkan.. akak suka h/bad awak la yang, nmpk cantik sgt dlm gambar yg han letak kt blog dia tu.. :)
tahniah ida....lawa blezzer ko..sgt sesuai gitu
congrats Dr Sheida..
nnt leh ziana mintak tips² and info psl mama kat Dr Sheida...
congarts! eh bebudak yg fail camane? kena repeat interview ke?
lalink cayammm...
u lookkkkkk damn hawt aaa
grrrrr...rs nk rembat jek all ur wears tuh..hahaha
ida cayammmm....congrats ek yang
nnti jengah2 ler tucin nyiau2 ek
eh, mane leh kate mende kecik tu husna... resume tu dok kat depan page file taww.. so actually the most important la kan...
hehe, nnt i'll buy u a treat occay...
thnx again husna...
tu la hani, kalau nak tau letih n pening kepala dari interview masih lom ilang lagi taww... huhu, penat sangat2 rasanya... alhamdulillah it's over... n now just concentrate ngan class n exam aje la...
hehe, gumbiranya saya... mekacih kakak tantek...
congrat babe!
moga ida dpt jd doc yg berguna utk bgsa dan negara..
tahniah shieda...
comeynyer dia pakai baju gitu...
manes jer tau...hehe
congrats shieda..
ye lah shieda..cam lawyer pun ader..
apepun shieda tetap cute...
ni pujian iklas tauuuu...*wink*wink
ni klo sakit jumpa dr. shieda sure sihat tengok doc comel lote..hiksssssss
ita.itu---<@ thanx akak... mmuahhh
ziana---<@ no probs ziana, anytime... btw thanx for the wish ya..
natrah---<@ tq sis, n those yg failed, hv to sit again in malaysia for the open interview la... pity them..
princess redbloodsnow---@ nak rembat ekk?? babap montot karang... ngehngeh.. insyaAllah kalau xde aral sume ida pasti jengukkan muke kat tucin to meet u n my kiki kat sane... mmmuahhh
pu3nemo---<@ ameen.. thnx fara.... mmmuaxxx
nads---<@ thanx a lot nad, 4 d wish n 4d compliment too... (perasan dah ni, hehehhe)
aleeya---<@ hiks, malula shieda aleeya... hihi... ok, nnt kalau aleeya sakit datang jumpe shieda tau, kne buat experiment dulu ni... hehe..
yang...congrats :)
sweethoney---<@ thanx izza.... :D)
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