
Wednesday, April 23, 2008


hello everyone!!!

sis natrah just asked me what's the name of the cacing that cause Elephantiasis??? hehe, u'r just like my examiner la sis...

ok, to be frank, i was extremely shocked because this is actually one of the question i got just now...

i picked a billet/question ticket... and there are 2 questions on it...
the first one is rather simple and very short, while the 2nd one really need my attention...

1/ Wuchereriosis. Diagnostic.

2/ Filoviral Hemorrhagic Fever. Yellow Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Ethiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical Presentation. Diagnostic approach. Treatment. Prophylaxis.

so guys, would u like to know about Wuchereriosis??? or in a more spesific familiar name is Elephantiasis??? i am not gonna tell u all the way from A to Z, but just wanna share this info, as it might be interesting.... maybe??? This disease is caused by Wuchereria bancrofti, as well as Brugia malayi, transmitted by mosquitoes and very common to affect the people of African region and Tropical areas... it is mainly characterized by the gross enlargement of limb, especially leg. However, Elephantiasis may also affect the male and female genital organs. There may be enlargement of the scrotum, and the penis may be retracted under skin. The external parts of the female genital organs (vulva) may also be affected by elephantiasis. Women breast also may be enlarged, sometimes it can hanging down reaching knee level...

unilateral elephantiasis of the leg in a young girl

unilateral elephantiasis of the leg in an old man

scrotal elephantiasis

breast elephantiasis

for the second question, it might take my time to write here but seriously u guys must at least heard bout demam denggi berdarah kan??? basically it is exactly the same with sudden onset fever, muscle and joint pain, severe headache and rashes, together with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc ... while Yellow Fever may clinically present at first like dengue but later with kidney and liver involvement, therefore can lead to serious complication like shock, internal and external bleeding, kidney and liver failure..

8 love:

Anonymous said...

huhu....cacing nih jahatkan???sampai leh jadik penyakit yg menakutkan jer...mintak di jauhkan la penyakit2 cemtu..

btw shieda, susahnya nk sebut term2 medic nih..nak lak nama2 cacing tuh..tergeliat lidah i..hahahhahaha...

tiffany said...

hani---<@ cacing ni tak jalan sendiri kat tanah, die dok dalam badan nyamuk... dan kita pon taktau nyamuk tu berpenyakit ke tak... mintak dijauhkan dari sakit2 camni... mmg agak terbelit jugak lidah nak sebut sampai kdg2 tersasul2 dan lecturer pon akan ketawakan kitorang.. hehe

Anonymous said...

mesti kak atun score kan..hehe..sape xkenal kak atun..bestlah dah abis paper..bpe byk lg xm b4 blik msia ni?=]

oo ya,lupa lak kat rsmu 2 russian medium kan last 3 years..xsusah ke?even sy rse bljr in english pun dh ssh,inikan pulak nk bljr in russian..mesti kak atun punyer russian skang gempak kan..=]

Redbloodsnow said...

erkkkss...tergeli plak z nengok penyakit tuh aaa

mintak simpangggggggg aaa...puh3x!!!

mummysyafie said...

shida, kat malaysia ni berisiko tak untuk ada nyamok pembawa cacing nih?

ada nampak kat tv ari tu, negeri mana tah tapi dlm malaysia gak lah. ada one guy ada penyakit kaki bengkak camni..seram negok..

then, ada one q tau nak tanya shida ni..akak ni kerap pakai heels kat opis, tapi bila sampai opis akak kerap kaki ayam je kalau nak kemesin photostat ke..then kan, kekadang jari kaki tu macam gatal mengigit lah..naper erkk? ada cacing gak ke?

tiffany said...

kamilsifu---<@ alhamdulillah, berbaloi cuti 5 hari akak memerap kat bilik tau... rase bahagia sangat.. hehe... so far, memula tu rase payah n frust jugakla bile belajar dlm russian sbb payah, nak salinnotes kat lecture pon agak prob. then slow baru rase selesa and rite now prefer russian than english la... huhu... abis english kitowang kelam kabut sbb dok sebut2 term russian je... hihi...

princess redbloodsnow---<@ puh kanan, puh kiri, puh depan , puh belakang... jeli2 wan tu juh.... hikhik..

mummysyafie---<@ nyamok tu mmg ade... naymok spesies AEDES yg bawak denggi jugak, nyamok CULEX yang bawak JE/japanese encephalitis tu juga, dan nyamok ANOPHELES yg boleh sbbkan malaria tu...

penyakit ni kalau dapat dikesan awal bole dirawat, masalah jadi teruk macam kat africa tu sbb diorang low education and low health care... so, penyakit ni berlarutan sampai ke peringkat yg sangat teruk..

pasal kaki gatal tu bukan sbb cacing, sbb akka tak berkaki ayam kat tanah pon kan, so shieda yakin mesti sbb abuk2 kat lantai tu... akak pakai la selipar ke ape ke, takpon stockin ok jugak, sbb kasut yang pijak kat lantai tu kita bawak dari luar and lantai tu pon kotor... jadi nye kaki pon kotor samalah..

ita.itu said...

shieda yaampun..takut aku ngk tau..sian ek dia..

natrah said...

haahahahahhaa Shieda buat gempak la dgn cacing ni..hehehhehe siap buat homework tu..caya lah.
Akak bukan apa tertanya soalan tu sbb kat my area kementerian ada buat program eliminasi filariasis..meaning that my nurses and health inspectors kena pi door to door bagi ubat utk eliminate that cacing! I'm quite updated la pasai penyakit nih..hehheheee
btw,good work,keep it up