i signed in for a temporary job helping a group of Malaysian presenting UiTM to introduce the new Research Products by them from today until this Friday... which means i'm gonna have a full tiring days ahead... i already had the exception not to attend classes for 4 days legally from my lecturer, but that doesn't mean i'm having a lot of rest... i leave hostel still at the same time like others, at about 7.30 in the morning, and just get my ass in back sharp at 9.oo p.m..... i am responsible to be their so called " translator".... hehe, and so far i'm pretty impressive wt my own performances today... sumtimes i feel like talking ayam-itik because industrial property and invention is not my field, and i found it quite hard to understand and to translate few terms that i don't familiar with.... still, to learn new things and to deal with different field would be beneficial if u'r really commited with them...
This is the XI th Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property.... but julung2 kali Malaysia becomes one of the participants... i spent my whole day with them, and get to know each and everyone... and tomorrow i'll be helping them again, so i need to get a well rest tonight...
the tall girl in this picture is my new russian friend, and FYI she's only 18... while the guy standing next to me is Professor Rosli, the chief divission for the group....
enough for today i think, and i'll write more tomorrow occay....
and today, i don't have the time to visit ur blogs, forgive me for that ya... i'll find the time tomorrow nite for u all ok... mmmuachhhhssss....
14 love:
Whoaaaa..congrats lalink for ur new parttime job tuh
psssttt..keje yg jenis high standard gak tuh yang..hahahha
neway...beso2 ek baka omputih neh
umoq 18 mcm umoq 28 jekkkk
haiiipppp!!! haha
hehehe...btol la kata zie..tinggi tul girl tuh..hehe..mcm model..
tahniah yer dpt part time job yg best..ada uitm je ke?..u lain x de ke?..
at least u dh ada experience utk exibition..mana la tau nanti u kena wat research n terlibat dengan pameran cemtu..kan2?..
i pon tingin nk g exibition cemtu, tp tunggu i wat research dulu la..hihi...
hello ;DD
18?? she looks like older than u tau yang! ;)
hehe. congrats 4 yr new job. kutip experience byk2 tau ;D
shida,kirim salam kat bos saya ye..en li hehe..ckp murni pesan roket soyuz balik ke m'sia hiks..
waaaaahhh jadik translator lak
aleeya pernah terfikir dulu ...nak damia jadik translator, hehe
tq dah dpt part time job..mesti syok ek dpt pgg duit hasil keja sendiri kan..hehe
wahhhh tahniah2 yang... :D
mesti seronokkan dpt timba pengalaman baru mcm neh..
sure xperience yg best sgt sgt kan?
congrats dear! :)
minah tinggi tu nmpk matured btui..and awak nmpk mcm dak skolah form two jek..
tahniah yayang...
nanti leh ar lanje mkn kan.. hikhik
yyang mmg nampak mudaaaa sgat.... hikhikk la omputih tu baka dia mmg tua2.kan.. hehehhe
tinggi tunggu minah saleh itu yer
harus la terasa diri sgt kerdil kan
bestnyer kak atun..hehe..congratz 4 ur new part time job..jd translator..em..kalo sy sure padezh glagol sumer terabur abis..hehe..nk hafal term2 medic dlm russian pun dh pening..ni kalo ln bidang lgla mencabar..apapun salute! =]
Princess Redbloodsnow---<@ abis dah keje i tu yang, sangat letih ok... huhu... maklumlah keje 2 dalam 1.. translator merangkap tourist guide sikit...
diorang ni mane tak baka beso2 n tinggi2, dari kecik dok minum susu n yogurt tu sume je tau.... tu yang sihat n gagah... hehe
hani---<@ cume uitm je yg anta participants, takdek la pulak dari u lain... b4 ni i ade gak attend exhibition macam ni but just look around aje, not directly involved but this one mmg i amik bahagian jugak la kiranya... hehe... cume sijil je la tak dapat sbb tak berdaftar kan... hehe...
so hani, biler u plan nak wat research plak nnt....
Rara Dinzly Lee Codith---<@ hello, yup she's only 18... it's not that she looks older, it just me looks younger than my age... boley ke perasan ni??? ekeekeke..
murnie sangat---<@ murni, we got sumthing for u, nnt prof pass kat u ok.... Roket soyuz tu ne bawak2 bincang dulu ngan dr.sheikh la.. hiks..
Aleeya---<@ bagus tu aleeya... shiea taknah terpk pon nak jadik translator masa kecik2 dulu, tapi bile dah besar2 ni teringin la nak wat keje yg mix ngan org sume ni...
ita.itu---<@ hehe, keje 4 hari je kak.... adela sikit2 dapat lepas nak wat beli make-up n handbag...
pearlEJ---<@ paling seronok sbb dapat ramai kontek nnt balik.... diorang ni ade yg prof.madya, ade yg lecturer, ade pengetua kolej, ade yg tgh sambung nak wat phD lagi.. quite interesting la to know them all...
Ziana---<@ btol tu ziana, shieda ni tak ubah mcm dak skolah form two jek.. wakakkaka.. baka kecik n terbantut sikit la shieda ni yang...
[LADYKiKi]---<@ nak ida lanje makan ek, hehe, sekarang pon boley yayang...hikhik
ekceli ramai aje russian girls yg nampak muda n vogue giler, but quite hard to get close to them... it happens that only girls yg gaya n rupe ala2 maria ni aje yg agak warm pada foreigners... so layan je la kan...
viruspadu---<@ mmg jatuh hukum wajib dah untuk rasa diri sgt kerdil.... hehe..
kamilsifu---<@ kamil, akak pon takde la fluent mana speaking russian nie, padeszh tu kadang2 tersilap2 jugak... but as long as they all understand what we'r talking about, that's it... hehe
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