
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Merpati Dua Sejoli

Renjis-renjis dipilis...
ditepungilah tawar....
hai beras putih ditabur....
disiram si air mawar...
Alangkah bahagia rasa hati tiap kali dengar lagu ni dimainkan...
hati berdetak-detik... bilakah pula kan tiba masaku...
ALHAMDULILLAH BERTEMU JODOHNYA.... lalallalallallalalalalala
It's been a while after their ceremony, and only now i'm gonna post the wedding pictures...
So, jom layan2kan tengok gambar2 ni k...

ok first wedding that i went to was between Hanif my junior in Moscow with the gadis pujaan hatinya Anis, yang juga study kat Russia only not in Moscow, both are kelantanese... majlis berlangsung kat Kadok kelantan.. these two mempelai sangat2 comel, i mean really comel because Hanif memang kecik aje orgnye... and so do anis... but still she's taller than me... huhu... the pelamin sangat2 cantik in gold, but i'd no idea where they got the idea to wear pink... ohoooo..

the second one also held in Kelantan, just the next day after hanif&anis ceremony... this one was between Nadia and Aliff... Nadia is my Junior in Moscow, but she's actually same age as me... while Alif is 2 yrs younger than us... they're not in the same batch, means that Nadia gonna finish first next year, leaving alif alone there to finish his study... they've been dating each other not more than a year, and now happily live together... me sooo envy wooo... and nadia ni pon sama ngan hanif tu, pelamin kaler gold, tapi baju kaler pink... pelik2... nway, they shud thanx their parents for arranging everything, because they just got home and the next thing they know it's already the wedding day...

and then, i got this one phone call from my ex-skoolmate, Zuwairi @ Qawar telling me that one of our FIVER's 2001 SAKTI is getting married... also named Nadia @ yaya... she was my best fren in form one... and how could i miss her wedding rite... unfortunately, i'd no transport, no car to go to her house... and Qawar offered to fetch me, bring me to her house because we were all SCOUTS yang sangat2 rapat dan aktif masa sekolah dulu... and me soo happy.. but i din have the chance to meet the groom, but still i can remember his face... the groom pon sama sekolah ngan we all dulu... oklah, thnx a lot to my driver ya... lenkali if i need a ride, maybe i shud just call him la kan... ngahahaha... mentang2la han tak kisah, and makwe qawar ni pon tak kisah.... kami sangat2 jujur dan setia pada pasangan masing2... and kami saling memberi ruang pada kekasih kami..... sekarang ni bukan masa nak jatuh hati pada orang lain dah... sekarang ni adalah masa mebuktikan komitmen pada pasangan masing... ngan orang2 lain, nak kawan kawanlah, lau nak lelebih bye2, lau taknak kawan nak wat camne... yang penting ikhlas dalam apa jua perhubungan...

the day after, on August 10th, my kawan sekolah rendah pula yang kahwin... he's my neighbour but we hardly meet each other after we left for secondary school... when i first heard the news bout his wedding, i only remembered one thing that his mom told my mom about 13-14th yrs ago.... "Ijaba ni asyik merayap aje... tak pernah nak lekat kat rumah... kalau ditanya mana pergi, jawabnya G UMAH ATUN la mak...." ( psst... Atun ni Shieda la ye...) yang his mom ni mati2 ingatkan anaknya die cakap betol, rupenye buat cerita... tah mana die pergi pon kitowang tatau, sbbnye die taknah pulak datang umah main ngan shieda... heheehe... on that day also, i met few more frens... and also seperti jejak kasih daku terberjumpa dgn itu boipren lama a.k.a my puppylove la kan... gegegeggege... kelakar ajeee... tapi tak amik pon gambar, takut nanti his girlfren marah kang....

and the last one also my kawan sekolah rendah jugakla... Intan, and the groom is a Kelantanese... lalalalalala... kalau nak tau sekarang ni ramai pulak org kampung shieda yg tawen ngan oghe2 Kelate... nape ek??? adakah oghe2 kelate ni best2 macho belaka... ataupon kami orang2 johor sangat2 cun and outstanding yeee??? lalallala....

8 love:

Redbloodsnow said...

byknyerrr weds ceremony angah kene attend ek
ye la arr..turn angah lak bile yek..huhu
lau turn angah t...habaq nooo kat zie
mane taw kowt² si Minie tuh leh izinkan z turun ur weds..hehe

**zie lak bile lg ea..sobsobsob**

zeti said...

msim org kawen skang kan shida
kat opis zt pun dkat 10 org gak yg kawen bln 8 ni :) ikut snior2 diaorg la ni (zt la tu) nnt leh celebrate anniversary sama2 :p ehehe..

mcm coincidence kan, yg pelamin gold & baju pink.. diaorg pakai mak andam yg sama kot ek? tp nice collaboration kaler tu.. bg zt la..

then yg kawen tu johor+kelantan plak tu.. ehehe.. x lama lg shida plak ngan han kan, pun klantan+johor :)

ops, pnjang plak comment zt arini :p

pearl'E.J said...

yer la yang, dua2 wedding tu pelamin kaler gold n pakai pink.. ehehe... sama laa pulakkan... :D

bila laaa nak dpt makan nasi minyak kt muar n kat kelantan nihhh.... hihihihi... :D

mummysyafie said...

banyak nya pic pengantin..kalerpul lah shida..

berpinar² matoo ni

Zumie said...

shida bile lagik eks hehe..

Izzatul Azma said...

banyaknya wedding angah g ek!
harusla envy je kan tgk owg tawen
turn kte ni bile la..


angah boleh la, dh nk keja
mcm acu ni, study pon x habis lagi
xbley menggatal!


angah, tawen cepat2 okey
nak pegi :D

nads said...

wah...musim pelamin kaler gold then pakai baju pink ke?

neway, shieda...sape intan tuh??
kawan kat SKPZ eh?

comel jer ijaba kan??

Roxy said...

angah..alang xsaba nak tgu angah punye turn nih..
